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Waiheke's lash and brow specialist


Tinting and Waxing

Includes a consultation, measure, custom colour, brow shape. We also offer hybrid brows.


The perfect treatment for anyone whose brow hair is irregular in direction, if there are gaps between hairs or if you want that groomed, fuller, brushed up look. Brow Lamination smooths out your brow hair while also lifting the hair in a more vertical direction giving the illusion of hair growth. This treatment can be customised for a subtle groomed look or full fluffy drama. Service includes mapping, shaping and tint.

Ombré Brow Tattooing

Ombre’ brows refer to a particular technique of eyebrow tattooing. Using the finest tattoo needle, thousands of tiny dots are tattooed into the brow. After healing, the result is a soft powder finish. It literally looks like you’ve softly powdered your brows in.


Lash Lift & Tint

A Lash Lift straightens and lifts your natural lashes at the root giving the appearance of longer, thicker lashes. No mascara. No eyelash curlers. Just perfect lashes from the moment you wake up for 6 – 8 weeks! This includes a lash tint.



Microneedling is a pen with multiple mini sterile needles that penetrate the skin, the little wounds trigger the bodies natural healing response resulting in a boost of collagen production and elastin. Enjoy the benefits of stronger, healthier and firmer skin. Micro needling combats fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, reduces pores size, improving the skins texture and boosting collagen for smoother, healthier skin.


Dermaplaning is a non-invasive skin treatment that uses a specific surgical blade that is designed to glide across the skins surface to remove any dead skin cells alongside removing peach fuzz. This gentle treatment reveals a fresh, healthy and glowing complexion.


Lip Blush Tattoo

Add a natural blush of colour to your lips.

Aqua Lip Tattoo

Barely there and subtle lip tattoo to even out your natural lip colour.

Lip Stick Tattoo

Lip stick look, more dramatic than the blush, gives appearance of lipstick.

About Us

Naked Faces is an oasis for Waiheke beauty lovers who are ready to feel and look their very best. As experts in brows, lashes and luminous skin (we’re also excellent besties); we’ll always provide an experience guaranteed to make you smile while empowering you to live your best life.

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